Tuesday, November 5, 2013

It's our right!

  Today I am grateful I have the right to vote. It was a small election here in my hometown. It was an unopposed election for the mayor and 3 council seats. I was able to be a poll worker and heard a lot of "it doesn't really matter" and "it's just a waste of time." And so on. BUT IT ISN'T! People died to give us the right to vote. And today people are dying in the effort to gain the right to vote. Several years ago one of our hometown boys died in the war in Iraq. His family lives in my precinct and every election when they come in to vote I have to fight the urge to hug them and thank them for their son's sacrifice. Ok, I do thank them, but I resist the hug! Today when his dad came in it became clear again why we should vote EVERY election we are able to. If we ever become so complacent that we will only vote in a "big" election or an "important" enough election we may find we will lose our right to vote. 

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