Friday, August 19, 2011

The hardest part.

I think trying to come up with a title is the hardest part of this blogging business. (I am not counting the trying to get a cute background and font part.) The title should be a clever witty sentence that draws in readers and showcases my great sense of humor. Couple of problems, I don`t really have that great a sense of humor, I just talk a lot and I am not really clever.
I am enjoying the last few weeks of summer, desperately hanging on to them actually! August is like the Sunday of the weekend, you don`t have to go to work or school, but you KNOW Monday is the next day and it takes some of the joy out of it. This summer is the first since we moved here,in 1990, that our school district isn`t starting in August. I LOVE it!! Most of the schools in this area have already started and for some reason that makes the last few weeks of summer even more enjoyable! Not very Christian of me, eh? This year I am not even looking forward to returning to a regular routine or the excitement of new clothes and classes and school supplies. I want my kids to myself just a bit longer. To sleep in and stay up late talking after a swim in the pool. To have ice cream for dinner and not worry about not nourishing their learning minds.Or not having a bajillion games and practices or homework to deal with. Maybe it has something to do with 3 of my kids in college and moving away from home.
Weren`t they all just little boys and girls? Time moves so quickly. Sometimes those days just drug on endlessly, but the weeks and months fly by.Those little kid day were so difficult, I wouldn`t want to return to them, but every now and then I would like a one-day pass to visit them! At the same time I realize I look backward with rose colored glasses. Forgetting the seemingly endless sleepless nights, or that time that I had 3 children in diapers. Or the days spent entertaining and corralling Emily---man she had bundles of energy. Maybe this is why grandparents are so awesome, they understand better than most how quickly time passes and to enjoy the ride!!!
Well, so ends another random post. Maybe that is why I can`t ever think of titles, I never know what I am going to write about. I do know it is never as profound or soul searching as I wish. Sigh....but I am happy to be a part of this great blogging neighborhood. So, until next time, enjoy the last bit of summer. And oh yeah kick some trash tonight Cougar football!!!!!


  1. Thanks for your post! Thanks for reminding me to enjoy these little tikes while they're still little.

  2. I am feeling the same way - don't let Collin know that. i truly am enjoying having those kiddos around. I remember wishing, when my kids were little and 6, 4, 2, and 2, that they were quickly grow out of the little stage. Now, I too, am almost wishing to go back. Though it was very difficult, in someways it was much easier than now. Loving your blog!

  3. SHANNON!!!! I LOVE your blog! It's super cute! I totally agree. It's so fun looking back and seeing how far you've come. Also, you mentioned how you were having trouble with your background. I use the cutest blog on the block too! Here is how you would fix it to get rid of the grass. First, click your design tab in your dash board. Then, you will click on the edit HTML tab. If you scroll down to the bottom of the page, there is a link that says "Select Layout Template". Click on that and you will want to select the minima template. Then you will add the background from cutest blog on the block like you normally would =) Hope this helps!
